Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Belizian Birthday

June 5th 2012 was spent serving school kids, blogging with all the (Richard) Sundblom girls, birthday party with dinner, cake and presents, and the adventure of being in another country.
We are working at the Faith Nazarene School in Belize. We help the teachers with their classes by guiding the students with their assignments. [It has brought to our attention the fact that many of the students have problems with concepts of reading and writing...essentially literacy. We are in the process of getting a literacy camp going once the student's are out of school for the summer. We have some great project leaders getting the summer camp set up]. So i went to the infant 1 class (like kindergarten in the states) that I go to at least half the time when I help at the school. I know pretty much all of their names and they are a joy to be around. Carly, another one of the HELP international participants, was in class with me and told the students it was my birthday. One of the kiddos meowed the whole birthday song to me...that's right meowed.
The boy is the kiddo that meowed to me Happy Birthday

I was able to talk to my sister Heather "in person" through Skype for the last time before she left for the MTC. She is headed to the Toronto, Canada, Spanish Speaking mission. I am so excited for her. My mom was there with my sister as well. It was great to catch up. What made it even better was that we were able to do a conference call with Mary included in the conversation. It was a cool realization that technology allowed us to be talking from three different places in the world. Utah, Colorado, and Belize!
Lava Cake
For dinner we ate Mama Kay's stuff fried jacks per my request. She made them a couple of weeks ago and they were so delicious. I'm glad we were able to have the meal again. I would describe them like scones with goodness in them. The goodness being Belizian flavored shredded chicken. Mama Kay also made the most amazing birthday cake...Lava cake...a chocolaty taste of heaven. The candles were q-tips, you gotta be creative. The gifts were nicely wrapped in notebook paper and a pintrest inspired bow (thanks Sarah). I got a pair of earrings and a leather hair-pin. I had a an amazing Belizian Birthday! 
Thanks for all the Birthday wishes. I appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness!

1 comment:

  1. That's for hair isn't? Man girls want such weird things for their birthdays. I remember I always asked for transformers.
